Jacob S. Spendelow Photographer
Excerpt from, Evolution of a Birder...
We walked about fifty feet, and I was looking ahead when something scurried from right to left not more than three feet in front of me. I signaled Bob to stop. We both froze in our tracks. I knew what it was. I knew what it had to be. We then inched forward, and he flew to a branch about 10 feet from where we stood. He was at eye level, a handsome male. We stood for a long, long time looking at him and he at us. He was wary but not too excited. We decided to see how close we could get. We walked right by him and on down to the pond and then back. He was still there. As we crept closer, he casually moved farther out on the branch. We took one last look at each other then went back to the car. Finding the treasure you seek is always rewarding. It was a lovely day. We had our Spruce Grouse.
I know now that seeing the Spruce Grouse in his northern habitat turned me into a birder. I shall never forget seeing his dark, black belly, the comb of red above his eye, the distinct, white barring on his sides, and the chestnut tip of his tail. It was a magical moment.